Introduction Political Empowerment Representation in Parliament Consultative Group Capacity Building Women And RTI Publications Catalogue
While each one of our research, analyses and publications is directed at both women and men, some of the key publications that are targeted at enhancing women’s political participation include the following:
Australia Mein Wafaqiat ka Irtaqa
This is Urdu version of "Evolution of Federalism in Australia".
Atharween Tarmeem Aur Qaumi Maliyati Commission Awards
This is Urdu version of "Revisiting Eighteenth Amendment and the NFC Awards".
Effective Role in Committees
Effective Role in Committees, A Briefing Paper for Women Legislators in Pakistan has been prepared by PILDAT for the benefit of femal...
Committion Mein Mausar Kirdar
This is Urdu version of "Effective Role in Committees: A Briefing Paper for Women Legislators in Pakistan. Version: November 06, 2019...
How to be an Effective Legislator
Since 2002, Pakistan's Parliament and Provincial Assemblies have seen an unprecedented increase in the number of female legis...
Muassar Qanoon Saaz kaisay bana jaye
This is Urdu version of "How to be an Effective Legislator: Background Paper for Women Legislators".
Since 2002, Pakistan's Parliame...
Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls
Political Parties are an essential component of any democratic system and the foundation of a strong Parliament. Tabeer-Consolidating...
Dairpa Taraqqiati Maqsad No. 5: Sinfi masawaat mumkin banana aur tamam khuwateen aur larkioon ka ba-ikhtiar banana
This is Urdu version of “Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls”.
Political Parties...
Right to Information Law: for Women, Minorities, CSOs and Media
Citizens' access to public related information and services in a transparent, accountable, effective and efficient way is of paramo...
Qanoon Haq-e-Hasool-e-Malomaat: Baraye Khawateen, Aqliatain, Civil Society ki tanzeemain aur Media
This is Urdu version of "Right to Information Law: for Women, Minorities, CSOs and Media".
Citizens' access to public related infor...