As the Senate of Pakistan completed its parliamentary year 2022-2023 on March 11, it also celebrated the Golden Jubilee anniversary of its advent in the month of March 2023 by holding a commemorative session of the Senate from March 15-17, 2023.
The Senate of Pakistan also released its own performance report on March 12 in keeping with its admirable past tradition. The Senate Annual Report makes public key data including attendance of Senators, legislation, questions, most vocal Senators and other legislative details. The complete Senate Parliamentary Year 2022-2023 Report is available at the Senate website.
The PILDAT Report on Performance of the Senate of Pakistan 2022-2023 examines how the Senate of Pakistan has carried out its constitutional role during the parliamentary year 2022-2023 on key performance indicators. While the PILDAT report has drawn from the Senate’s own performance data published by the Senate, in order to provide a comparative assessment, this report also compares past four parliamentary years 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 of the Senate of Pakistan.