Understanding Labour Issues in Pakistan (Revised Ed. Dec. 2009)

For Pakistani Parliamentarians


Publication No: PD-158

Rs 3,000  

General labour conditions in Pakistan leave much to the desired. The country’s existing labour code is beset with discrepancies. Furthermore, since Pakistan’s economy is mainly dominated by the informal sector, a vast majority of workers remain outside the ambit of labour laws and social protection. Only 2.4 per cent of the labour force is unionized Gand has access to collective bargaining for their wages and working conditions. The objective of this briefing paper is to contribute to the prevalent debate on labour reforms in Pakistan. It is important to understand the diverse viewpoints on the subject and strive for a consensus based solution. PILDAT hopes that this paper will provide an impetus for public representatives to play a more proactive role in the debate on labour reforms as well as in policy formulation. This briefing paper was originally produced in June 2005, first updated in November 2006 and is further updated now after incorporating the changes that have taken place.
