Politics of the Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in Turkey


Publication No: CMR-024

Rs 3,000  

Democratic and Parliamentary control and oversight of the defence sector is an internationally accepted principle. This control is especially considered crucial in countries which have had military rule and are in the process of transition towards democratic consolidation. Given Turkey’s peculiar civil military relations and the country’s continuous transition to democratic consolidation, it is important to see how Turkish democratic institutions, such as the Parliament and Parliamentary Committees, engage in a democratic oversight of the defence sector. Does the Turkish Grand National Assembly have the powers, systems and processes in place to oversee the Defence sector? How effectively are these powers, systems and processes used? The paper Politics of the Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in Turkey has been especially commissioned by PILDAT to answer the above questions. Authored by Dr. Volkan Aytar, the case of Turkey is outlined for the benefit of the Pakistan’s Parliamentary Committees on Defence to review whether the Turkish system of Parliamentary Oversight of the Defence offers any lessons for Pakistan, which is itself grappling with the challenge of exercising an effective civilian and democratic control and oversight of the defence sector.
