Pakistan Parliamentary Defence Committee Delegation Study Visit to Turkey

November 15-19, 2009


Publication No: CMR-027

Rs 3,000  

The Study Visit to Turkey for the key members and staff of the Parliamentary Defence Committees of Pakistan was organised from November 15-19, 2009. The visit, which has been supported by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK, through the British High Commission, Islamabad, was part of the larger project with PILDAT titled Research and Dialogue to Improve Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan. The objectives of the Study Visit were to facilitate an interaction between Pakistani and Turkish counterparts at the Parliamentary and other levels, and provide avenues of learning and understanding from each others’ perspectives on the broad objectives of civilian and Parliamentary oversight of the security sector. In organising this Study Visit, PILDAT received invaluable support from the Foreign Office of Pakistan, Pakistan’s Embassy in Ankara; the Embassy of the Turkish Republic in Islamabad and the Turkish Foreign Office; the office of the Deputy Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan as well as the Secretariat of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, which we gratefully acknowledge. Our special thanks are due for support and cooperation provided by Mr. Burhan Kayaturk, Turkish MP and Chairperson of the Pak-Turkey Friendship Group in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, the largest friendship group in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
