17th Youth Parliament Pakistan®, 2022-23 A Brief Report



The 17th Youth Parliament Pakistan® released its report, outlining the key issues and recommendations discussed during the term, 2022-23. The Youth Parliament Pakistan® is a platform for young people to engage in democratic processes and gain experience in parliamentary practices. The report highlights the diverse perspectives and ideas of the participants, who represent different regions and backgrounds across Pakistan. It provides insights into the priorities and concerns of young people in Pakistan and offers recommendations for addressing these issues. The report serves as an important contribution to ongoing efforts to promote youth engagement and democratic participation in Pakistan. PILDAT and YPP® Secretariat would like to give a special shout-out to The Bank of Punjab, Interloop, Geo/Jang group and The University of Lahore for their generosity and belief in the 17th YPP® mission. Thanks to their partnership, 17th YPP® has been able to make a significant impact in the community. PILDAT and YPP believe that it is through partnerships like these that Pakistan can create a more inclusive, democratic and successful society.