Assessment of Quality of Democracy



With the objective to inform and engage citizens to monitor performance of democracy, PILDAT began publishing a succinct analysis on the performance of democracy using an indigenous framework that analysed key institutions of democracy including elected Executive, Legislatures, Judiciary, Political Parties, Civil Society and Media since 2002.

Over the years PILDAT refined the framework by learning from regional and international good practices to provide an assessment of democracy that is relevant and centred to the peculiarities of democracy in Pakistan. With the belief that quality of democracy in Pakistan must also be comparatively analysed and scored, PILDAT has also adopted using the framework developed by International Institute of Democracy and Electoral Assistance (I-IDEA) to provide an internationally comparative score card to assess quality of democracy in Pakistan.

Quality of democracy is periodically gauged by PILDAT using two methodologies: public opinion polls that gather citizens’ perspectives on various aspects of quality of democracy as well as an analysis and score card based on research.

PILDAT’s periodic assessments of quality of democracy are guided by the belief that objective analyses of quality of democracy in Pakistan must offer proposals for democratic reform that can strengthen democracy and democratic institutions.


Key Areas

Under our assessment of democracy initiative, following are the key areas of PILDAT work:

  1. Development and refining of an indigenous framework on assessment of quality of democracy in Pakistan
  2. Analyses and publishing of periodic and annual performance reports and score cards on quality of democracy since 2002
  3. Using the IIDEA framework on assessing quality of democracy to publish score cards with input by PILDAT’s Democracy Assessment Group
  4. Designing, conducting and analysing nation-wide public opinion polls on citizens’ perspectives on quality of democracy
  5. Leading advocacy on reforms in strengthening quality of democracy in Pakistan

Approaches & Methodology of our Work

PILDAT is a dynamic organisation and continues to evaluate, calibrate and adapt its approaches and methodologies to reach the desired goals in our work. Following are some of the key approaches to our work:

1. Objective, fact-based and non-partisan Research and Analysis focussed on reforms 2. Working with ALL stakeholders including Governments, Parliament & Provincial Legislatures, Political Parties, Judiciary, Media and Citizens 3. Audit of political engagement through surveys & needs-assessments 4. Advocacy for reforms

Key Strengths

PILDAT is widely recognised for the following key strengths:

  1. Convening Power: Owing to our track-record as a serious, non-partisan organisation focused on quality of its work, PILDAT has developed a unique convening power that brings together diverse political spheres and voices from across the country on important national and global issues to affect policy reform.
  2. Relationships across the Political Spectrum: Because of PILDAT’s work over a decade in a non-partisan capacity, PILDAT enjoys relationship of respect with all key political parties. Not only political parties receive PILDAT’s reform proposals with an open mind, they often seek PILDAT’s support and advice on various policy issues relating to policy as well as internal governance. This also means that regardless of a party in opposition or in power, they are receptive to our analyses and proposals.
  3. Relationship with Media: Over the years, PILDAT has worked with the media to develop it as an ally. PILDAT’s work is sought and often quoted in the media. We take media as an important ally to further the work on reforms.

Our Services

Following key services are offered by PILDAT:

  1. Objective Performance Assessment of Democracy
  2. Conducting & analysing nation-wide public opinion polls
  3. Development and advocacy on strengthening democracy

Following major projects were conceptualised and delivered successfully by PILDAT in the area from 2002-2017:

  • State of Democracy in Pakistan
  • State of Democracy Report & Updates & Roundtable on Launching the Report
  • Assessment of The Quality of Democracy in Pakistan
  • Democracy and Governance Programme
  • Consolidating Democracy in Pakistan

Our Partners

Following are some of the key development partners who have supported PILDAT’s initiatives in the field of assessment of quality of democracy in Pakistan:

  • British High Commission – BHC
  • Canadian High Commission
  • Danish International Development Agency – DANIDA
  • Department for International Development – DFID
  • Foundation for the Future – FFF
  • Friedrich Ebert Stiftung – FES
  • United States Agency for International Development – USAID