A strong RTI Law is vital for ensuring transparency and accountability within government. The RTI law has great potential to enhance the overall institutional efficiency of government and its functionaries. The law currently in place at the Centre, the Freedom of Information Ordinance 2002, is a weak law in terms of granting access to information to citizens. The inclusion of article 19-A in the Constitution after the 18th Amendment acknowledges the right to information (RTI) as a fundamental constitutional right meaning progressives legislation enabling the exercise of this right, and redressal in case of its denial, is mandatory. The Right to Information Bill 2014 in its present form has however taken five years to take shape and is now awaiting approval from the Federal Cabinet. This Policy Brief on Effective Legislation On Right To Information, authored by Syed Ali Zafar, Partner, Mandviwalla and Zafar Advocates,aims to inform the policy making process and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the Right to Information Bill 2014 that is under consideration at the Federal level and gives recommendations regarding for more effective implementation.