The New Budget Process in Pakistan: What Should Parliamentarians Know

Briefing Session for Parliamentarians


Publication No: PD-172

Rs 3,000  

PILDAT Briefing for Members of Parliament and Parliamentary Committees on The New Budget Process in Pakistan: What Parliamentarians Should Know? Was held on May 05, 2010 at Marriot Hotel Islamabad. The Federal Government has embarked upon a budget management reform programme called the Medium-Term Budgetary Framework (MTBF). Essentially, this means that the upcoming Federal Budget will be based on the model known as ‘Medium-Term Budget Estimates by Service Delivery’ which would present 1 year budget and 2 years projections for services (outputs) delivered by each Ministry / Division. The services are also linked with outcomes (affects on target population) and with the performance indicators and targets. The PILDAT Briefing Session was aimed at sharing details of the MTBF with Parliamentarians as part of the overall budget process reforms introduced by the Government. Parliamentary Committees, especially those of Finance, have a specific role under the new programme and the briefing especially aimed to target committees in this regard. Key speakers at the Briefing Session included Mr. Nohman Ishtiaq, representative of the Ministry of Finance while the Federal Minster for Health, Makhdoom Shahabuddin, MNA and former Finance Minster, chaired the briefing session and conducted the Q&A session.
