Inter-Governmental Relations in Pakistan

Evolution and Potential with relation to 18th Amendment


Publication No: PD-369

$ 15.0  

The Discussion Paper on Inter-Governmental Relations in Pakistan: Evolution and Potential with relation to 18th Amendment has been authored by Mr. Ahmad M. Zahid, Former Federal Secretary, Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination. The paper has been commissioned to serve as a Discussion Paper to a series of workshops on Consolidating Democratic Devolution in Pakistan organised by the Forum of Federations and Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development And Transparency – PILDAT through January-March 2014. The 18th constitutional Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan, adopted in April 2010, is the landmark legislation that has provided a legal framework to enable a democratic devolution that can be termed as a historic achievement in the legal and political history of Pakistan aimed at conferring democratic rights to the people of Pakistan. Given the important implications of the legislative, political and power sharing arrangements that exist between Pakistan’s two orders of government – federal and provincial, this transfer places increased capacity demands on the role and function of the Provincial Governments and a greater understanding of and adjustment to this monumental shift on the part of the Federation. The workshop series is facilitated jointly by PILDAT and FoF in order to strengthen Inter-Governmental Relations (IGR) and build Accountable Transparent Institutions.
