18th Constitutional Amendment and Devolution of Labour Ministry


Publication No: PD-248

Rs 3,000  

With the passage of 18th Constitutional Amendment and abolition of the concurrent list, Labour has become a provincial subject. However, there are many lingering concerns related to the transfer of labour-related matters to exclusive provincial domain which need to be addressed before complete transfer to the provinces takes place. In light of the 18th Amendment, there may be the possible challenges in the enforcement of international conventions and treaties, especially with regards to labour rights such as ILO Conventions 87, 98, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principals and Rights at Work. Moreover, provincial compliance with the principles prescribed in these conventions and treaties is an area of concern especially with regards to formulation of policies and laws in administrative areas such as reporting, complaint procedures and enforcement. Furthermore, management of Employees Old-age Benefit Insurance (EOBI) and Workers Welfare Fund (WWF), uniform measures to cover all provinces in safety and social protection, standardization of occupational safety and health regulations across all provinces with similar levels of minimum enforcement mechanisms; and for the other related areas there is need for uniformity and minimal standardization across provinces. Future of worker unions and federations, which were functioning at the national levels, has also been in limbo after the devolution of the labour department. These are some of the major grey areas demanding serious level of consideration at this stage.
