Security Sector ki Parlimaani Nigrani: Asool, Zawabit aur Amli Tareeq-e-Kaar [Urdu]

IPU-DCAF Hand Book for Parliamentarians N0.5 2003 - Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector: Principles, Mechanisms and Practices


Publication No: CMR-001

Rs 3,000  

The Urdu translation of Handbook on Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector published by PILDAT, is originally produced in English by the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces DCAF and the Inter-Parliamentary Union IPU. Its Urdu version was prepared and published by PILDAT, in association with DCAF, to make this handbook and its contents more accessible for the benefit of Pakistani Parliament and Parliamentarians. The handbook provides examples of laws or regulations and highlights practices of Parliamentary oversight of the security sector in various countries while it presents practical guidelines for Parliamentarians to engage in their oversight of security sector. Divided in eight sections, the book focuses on evolving concept of security and a global overview of the role of Parliament and other state institutions in security issues; stages of national security policy cycle as well as international regulations relevant to national security policy; the role of civil society, media and a gender perspective on security issues; who’s who of the security sector; tools and instruments that Parliaments can use to oversee the security sector; circumstances posing challenge to security and relevance of Parliament’s involvement in such decisions; defense budget and Parliament; Parliament’s role in regulating recruitment, selection and training of security personnel and Parliament and procurement of material resources of security sector, etc.
