Parliamentary Oversight of Security Sector in Pakistan


Publication No: CMR-038

Rs 3,000  

Parliamentary Control and Oversight of the Defence Sector in Pakistan, though an accepted democratic principle in the world, has not been able to take firm root due to peculiar civil-military relations in Pakistan. What are its prospects today in the framework of a sustainable democracy in Pakistan? Mr. Mushahid Hussain Sayed, former Senator and Federal Minister, answers the question through this paper that he authored in October 2010. This paper also contains the author’s comprehensive, originally conceived and meticulously-prepared Fact- Sheet on Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan since 1947 todate, the first such detailed document on this subject. The paper has been commissioned by PILDAT in order to assist Pakistan’s Parliamentary Committees on Defence in the discharge of their roles of control and oversight of defence and to sustain a debate in the public domain on civilian control of the defence sector in Pakistan for a sustainable democracy.
