Police Governance and Operational Autonomy in England and Wales: Accompanying paper for ‘Police, Politics, and the People of Pakistan’

Citizens’ Periodic Reports on the Performance of State Institutions


Publication No: GOV-017

Rs 3,000  

Within its ‘Democracy and Governance Programme’, PILDAT has undertaken an assessment of the Police Services of Pakistan, which is the premier law enforcement agency tasked with maintaining peace, stability, and order in the country. The UK model, based on the Peelian Principles, has been long regarded as a structure that the Pakistan Police Services can aspire to emulate. In addition to a study on performance of Pakistan’s Police Services, PILDAT commissioned a paper of the policing system in the United Kingdom to offer a comparative perspective to the discourse on how the Police are governed, and to what extent they are autonomous from political influences in the UK. This paper has been authored by Mr. Ian Bracewell, the United Kingdom’s Police Counter Terrorism Liaison Officer in Pakistan, who accounts the functions and structure of the Police in the United Kingdom. Titled as Police Governance and Operational Autonomy in England and Wales, the paper identifies essential components that are necessary for any policing authority within a country and areas that can be further strengthened to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the Police forces.
