Rs 3,000
Party manifestos are central to a competitive electoral process as well as the larger civic engagement process. PILDAT analysed election manifestoes of major political parties ahead of 2002 and 2008 General Election. This is the third analysis of its kind to chart a broader view of the election manifestos presented by the major political parties contesting the upcoming General Eelection, scheduled for May 11, 2013. Understandably, and true to the South Asian political tradition, manifestos employ political rhetoric as well as sloganeering to attract the voters. Consequently the full implementation of manifestos becomes a tall order. Whilst there is some movement forward on this process since 2002 and 2008, there is a continuing need for the parties to create permanent think tanks within to work on critical policy issues. These internal institutions should also track the implementation of the party manifestos. The purpose of this report is to provide the potential voter with a bird’s eye view of the manifestos of the major political parties contesting General Election 2013, to help them make an informed decision for casting of their votes. This study may also be useful to the political parties in comparing their manifestoes with the other parties. Political researchers, analysts and Media both in Pakistan and outside may also find this comparison useful in their professional work.