Amidst rising Insurgency, growing Extremism and sectarian Killings, the Long March for the Rule of Law and Independent Judiciary will Strengthen the Constituency of Democracy in Pakistan

PILDAT Democracy Monitor Issue2


Publication No: AD-023

Rs 3,000  

Pakistan is rife with growing insurgency in at least 2 of its 4 provinces. Most of the FATA – the autonomous region along Afghan border – has turned into a battleground between Pakistani security forces and the local tribesmen. Both the provincial and the federal government, after failing to win a war against local ‘Taliban’ in Swat, have succumbed to their persistent demands to introduce a local version of speedy justice system and make peace with them by releasing their prisoners and withdrawing criminal cases against them. Terrorism has not only grown in intensity in the recent time, its reach and sophistication has also alarmingly increased as shown by the recent terrorists attack on the visiting Sri Lankan Cricket team in Pakistan’s heartland, Lahore, in broad day light by well-trained and heavily armed terrorists who vanished after the 25 minute long assault without suffering any casualty or capture at the hand of security forces. Sectarian killings are on the rise too and extremist sectarian organisations are openly attacking each other’s places of worship and religious rituals.
